Open Lectures Were Arranged on Kazakh Language Courses on the Topic “New Alphabet Is the Beginning of a New Era”


On April 4 of this year, the Department for the Development of the Languages of the Pavodar Oblast within the framework of “Rukhani Zhangyru” program in “Ana Tіlі” Centre conducted open lectures on the topic “The New Alphabet is the Beginning of a New Era” for information and explanatory work on the Kazakh language courses.

The purpose of this event is to provide listeners with information about the importance of the change-over to the Latin graphics, raising awareness, cognition, socialization level and skills of intercultural communication.

On open lectures on the implementation of the change-over of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script presented in the new version, the listeners are given information on the “Plan of Measures for the Phased Transfer of the Kazakh Alphabet to the Latin Graphics until 2025”, the introduction of the new alphabet, the testing stages and the expert period of the Latin script .

The event was attended by civil servants, employees of institutions and organizations, employees of organizations providing public services.


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