2000 books were sent to Mongolia
Shayakhmetov Republican Coordination and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages gave over two thousand books to the Regional Central Library named after Aktan Babiuly of Bayan-Ulgii region of Republic of Mongolia.
- Until the 1990s, Mongolia received many books and periodicals from Kazakhstan. In recent years, this process has been suspended. This time we received as a gift more than two thousand books from the Director of the Shayakhmetov Republican Coordination and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages Erbol Erdembekovich. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for the most generous gift, - said the Director of the Central Library named after Aktan Babiuly of Bayan-Ulgii region of Republic of Mongolia Askar Shajmordanovich.
The Aktan Babiuly Library is the only Central Library in Bayan-Ulgii region. 97 percent of the readers are Kazakh-speaking. With more than 70 years of history, the library has 120,000 books. Readers are provided with fiction in Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian and English, children's literatures, industry books and dictionaries.