Nazarbayev called upon parents to force their children to study several languages
Knowledge of several languages creates big opportunities, the head of state said.
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev told about the importance of being able to speak several languages at the presentation of the project “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new books in Kazakh”, correspondent reports.
“The program of “Rukhani zhangyru” is implemented for the future of our youth. In this connection, it is very important to join our young generation to its implementation. Today, we have observed the profound scientific and staff capacity established within the years of independence. Many young scientists know two-three foreign languages in addition to their professional specialization. They say, knowledge of many languages makes one more cultural. That is not an easy deed. Sometimes, we feel sorry for our children, telling they are exhausted, busy all day. But, If one feels sorry for them now, than they will scold at you. Us, my generation, were not taught at times. There was no time. The parents had only one task, which is to survive. They did not have time. And, now we need to force them,” said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
According to the President, knowledge of several languages opens big opportunities for all and gave several examples.
"Schopenhauer, a greatest European philosopher, writes in his biography how his father kept him hungry for three days to make him learn what he deserved. The composers were also taught in such way, they probably did not like it, but then, probably, all were thankful as they got older. After all, knowledge of several languages not only increases competitiveness, but opens great opportunities. We have thousands of foreign companies working today. Everyone is looking for a worker. And, will it employ the worker without knowledge of the language? This all determines the quality of human capital, the intellectual power of the country as a whole. Therefore, following the principle of triunity of languages, we do everything to ensure that our children receive knowledge in three languages. This will affect well on our children. There is nothing bad in it. If you come to Switzerland, the taxi driver knows four languages. There it is impossible, because English, German, French, Italian are compulsory there," said the President.
The head of state added that we need to apply this practice.
“This year, it is necessary to provide the translation of several other foreign textbooks, including into Russian, for Kazakh universities, which is also important for our students to have the opportunity to study using the world's best standards. These textbooks will be translated into Russian, there will not be problems. There are millions of people in the world who cannot write their names, not mentioning getting the quality education. According to the UN, every tenth adult resident of our planet cannot write, that's about 800 million people, and 270 million children have never attended schools. That should be borne in mind," said Nursultan Nazarbayev.