Online Seminar on the theme “Kazak Tilin Zhanasha Zhangyrtyp Okytudyn Aleumettik Mani Men Manyzy” for the Kazakh Language Teachers to switch the Kazakh Alphabet to the Latin script
On April 19, 2018, an online seminar on the theme “Kazak Tilin Zhanasha Zhangyrtyp Okytudyn Aleumettik Mani Men Manyzy” was held in the training centre for the development of skills within the framework of the “Rukhani Zahangyru” program for Kazakh language teachers to switch the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script.
The purpose of the event is to improve the skills of Kazakh language teachers using remote online access, to articulate the main aspects of translating the Kazakh alphabet into Latin script, possible problems and ways to solve the gradual introduction of the new national alphabet.
At this event, online classes were conducted raising the issues of teaching the Kazakh alphabet on the basis of Latin graphics. Lecturers noted the stages of implementation of the nationwide reform and effective methods of Latin alphabet introduction.
Teachers of the Kazakh language, specialists in the languages of cities and districts of the Region took part in the seminar.