The rules of orthography of new alphabet discussed in Kostanay


On October 12, 2018 the information and propaganda event among representatives of various social groups «Prerequisites for introducing the new Kazakh alphabet and public discussion the rules of orthography» was held in Kostanay region, organized by the National scientific and practical center «Til-Kazyna» named after Shaisultan Shayakhmetov of the Committee of language policy of Ministry of culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of event is familiarization with work which carried out at the stages of transition the Kazakh alphabet to a new national alphabet based on the Latin script, approved by the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev from February 19, №637.

The event was attended by residents of city and regions, representatives of intellectuals, employees of educational institutions, government officials, linguistic scholars and media representatives.

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