Online seminar "The method of the new format of teaching the Kazakh language"


The seminar of advanced training of Kazakh teachers “The method of the new format of teaching the Kazakh language” was given in the regional universal scientific library of S.Toraigyrov on November 17, 2017 within the program «Ruhani zhangyru» and regional plan of the development and functioning of languages for 2017-2019. It was organized by the Department of Language Development of Pavlodar region.

The purpose of the seminar is to improve the Kazakh teacher’s skills.

Scientists of the universities, linguists from May and Lebyazhye areas, Pavlodar and Ekibastuz cities took part in the seminar. Participants of the seminar learnt up-to-date technologies and methods of learning the language and also discussed the problematic issues online.

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