Presentation of Encyclopedia «Akhmet Baitursynov»


The round table «Message of the Head of the State: Kazakh Language in a new global era» organized by the Republican Coordination and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages named after Shaisultan Shayakhmetov will be held on January 19 in the National Academic Library.

The discussion will cover the important tasks of the President’s Message of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the spiritual life of society. It will also consider the issues of development of the kazakh language in a new global era and the transition of the kazakh alphabet to Latin script.


During the event, a presentation of the encyclopedia, educational-methodical, scientific, reference books will be held, which prepared by the Republican Coordiantion and Methodological Center of development of languages named after Sh. Shayakhmetov on the instructions of Committee on Development of Languages and Socio-Political Work of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The presentation will include the following books and projects:

  1. Encyclopedia of «Akhmet Baitursynov»;
  2. Methodic complex of lexical and grammartical minimum of the Kazak language «Қазақ сөзі» 1200 words, educational supply +multimedia programme СD (disk)»;
  3. Methodic complex of lexical and grammartical minimum of the Kazak language «Қазақ сөзі» 1500 words, educational supply +multimedia programme СD (disk)»;
  4. Educational supply «Ана тілі» (Ukraine)»;
  5. Methodic supply «Ана тілі» (Ukraine)»;
  6. «Балаларға базарлық» (Educational supply for learning the native language);
  7. «Proverbs, proverbial expressions about language. Сollection.«Сөз сыны»;
  8. «Қазақстанның 70 тарихи орны» (70 historical places of Kazakhstan) ;
  9. «Алаш қозғалысы» (poetries, literary works devoted to the movement, party Alash, Alash Orda government);
  10. «Reference book for children. Алаш қозғалысы (Alash movement)»;
  11. «Әдістеме әлемінде» (scinetific and methodical collection);
  12. «Phrasebook (french-russian-kazakh) Астанаға қош келдіңіз! Welcome to Astana!»;
  13. «Phrasebook(spanish-russian-kazakh) Астанаға қош келдіңіз! Welcome to Astana!»;
  14. «Phrasebook (chinese-russian-kazakh) Астанаға қош келдіңіз! Welcome to Astana»;
  15. «Phrasebook (english-russian-kazakh) Астанаға қош келдіңіз! Welcome to Astana!»;
  16. «Phrasebook(arabic-russina-kazakh) Астанаға қош келдіңіз! Welcome to Astana!».
  17. Intellectual-educational television project «Енші» and animation film «Сөз қазынасы».  


The event will be attended by deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, authors of books, scientists, as well as representatives of public organizations and intelligentsia, the media.


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