To call the crocodile "қолтырауын" in Kazakh is not a mistake

To call the crocodile "қолтырауын" in Kazakh is not a mistake. The famous journalist Kaynar Olzhai, deputy chairman of JSC "RTRK" Kazakhstan", replied to the president for his remarks about the translation of words.
«In 1979, as a student, I wrote a pamphlet that Israel and the Arab countries has grown crocodiles, so no one crossed the border over the Jordan River. The material was published in the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" under the heading "Koltyrauynnyn koz zhasy" (Crocodile Tears). It was under the Soviet Union, then stricter than now, followed by the translation and terminology. Under the control of termincom, formed the word «Koltyrauyn» and firmly entered in consciousness. Now this word put into the mouth of Elbasy and stated that it could not be translated. Those who wrote this text to the president, first it was necessary to get acquainted with the history, learn the Kazakh journalism. If in Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Urdu this reptile is not called "crocodile", why should we? Then, let's call arystan - lion, a pil - elephant or an elipan. And anyway, the etymology of the last word (elephant) is "alyp an" (a giant beast), says of its Turkic root", - he wrote on his Facebook page.»
Recall, in his annual Message Elbasy said that you should not get invloved with translations of international terms and words in Kazakh language.