Russian-Kazakh dictionary of banking terms

The dictionary contains over 62,000 terms and concepts in the following areas: financial banking, monetary circulation, banking and exchange transactions, internal and international monetary and credit relations, financial market, securities market, credit markets, stock market, financial instruments, investment processes , mortgage loans, legal aspects of financial and banking activities, computerization of banking transactions. The terms are given in Russian with their equivalents in the Kazakh language. A short interpretation of the basic terms and terms borrowed from English or another foreign language is also given in the Kazakh language. In the dictionary for the first time in the world terminology about 500 terms of Islamic banking are collected with their interpretation in the state language and are presented by a separate chapter entitled " Ислам қаржы-несие, банк терминдері". The dictionary is intended for employees of banks, stock exchanges and other financial and credit institutions, accountants, state employees, teachers and students, translators, as well as for general reader. Also the dictionary can satisfy the needs of lawyers, law enforcement officials. The dictionary can certainly be used as a reference material for teachers of law schools.
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