History of god by Karen Armstrong was translated into kazakhA History of God by religious scholar, philosopher and publicist Karen Armstrong has been translated into Kazakh. It talks about the history of the three major monotheistic traditions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, along with Buddhism and Hinduism. The evolution of the idea of God is traced from its ancient roots up to the present day. The bestseller has been translated into more than 30 different languages.
Online Seminar on the theme “Kazak Tilin Zhanasha Zhangyrtyp Okytudyn Aleumettik Mani Men Manyzy” for the Kazakh Language Teachers to switch the Kazakh Alphabet to the Latin scriptOn April 19, 2018, an online seminar on the theme “Kazak Tilin Zhanasha Zhangyrtyp Okytudyn Aleumettik Mani Men Manyzy” was held in the training centre for the development of skills within the framework of the “Rukhani Zahangyru” program for Kazakh language teachers on the change-over of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script.
Classic of Kazakh literature showcased at London Book FairOn 12 April, the New Identity of Kazakhstan programme was launched at the London Book Fair alongside the publication of classics of Kazakh literature which have been translated into English for the first time. The event was attended by heads of international publishing houses, management of the British Council, literary agents and journalists.
Сonscientious Society – Qualitative ServiceOn April 10, 2018, within the framework of the implementation of the “Looking into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness” program article, the Department of Languages Development of Pavlodar Oblast held a seminar on the topic “Сonscientious Society – Qualitative Service” in Pavlodar Tram Department, JSC.
Modernization of Public Consciousness: a new Kazakh alphabet and the implementation of the state programToday the Committee on Language Development and Socio-Political Work of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Republican Coordination and Methodological Center of development of languages named after Shayakhmetov in the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a seminar on the theme «Modernization of Public Consciousness: a new Kazakh alphabet and the implementation of the state program».
Kazakh language courses were opened in New YorkScholars of the Bolashak program have launched Kazakh language courses in New York. A group of students decided to give others opportunities to study Kazakh. Not only Kazakhs, but also U.S. citizens supported the initiative. Many New Yorkers are expressing interest in learning the Kazakh language, culture and traditions.
"Modernization of Public Consciousness: a new Kazakh alphabet and the implementation of the state program"The Committee on Language Development and Socio-Political Work of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Shayakhmetov Republican Coordination and Methodological Center of development of languages in the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan will organize a seminar on the theme «Modernization of Public Consciousness: a new Kazakh alphabet and the implementation of the state program».
Open Lectures Were Arranged on Kazakh Language Courses on the Topic “New Alphabet Is the Beginning of a New Era”On April 4 of this year, the Department for the Development of the Languages of the Oblast within the framework of “Rukhani Zhangyru” program in “Ana Tіlі” Centre conducted open lectures on the topic “The New Alphabet is the Beginning of a New Era” for information and explanatory work on the Kazakh language courses.
Book about kazakh writer and poet Shakarim was translated into chineseChinese people now have the opportunity to learn about the great Kazakh writer and poet Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly. Linguist of the Xi’an International Studies University, Li Xichang translated the book titled “Shakarim” into the language spoken by over a billion people. Li Xichang used to work in Astana at the Confucius Institute at the Gumilyov Eurasian National University.